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Happy Tuesday everyone!  Dylan couldn’t really wait any longer so today we got ready and went down to the Canadian Embassy to talk with our Officer again.  She was very nice and explained a few more things to us.  One being that she has discovered that somehow…Dylan and I have gotten through many loop holes, that she has no explanation of how.  I think everyone is quite baffled by all this.  Even the people who knew what they were doing, somehow accepted paperwork of ours that wasn’t up to government standard etc.  For example…the Canadian Embassy issued us a letter of Approval to adopt from Malaysia and MCYS (who approves those letters) approved it when actually it didn’t follow the guidelines of Singapore government.  Hmmmmm…so….how do you explain that?  How do you explain that this little girl in fact bypassed Malaysia and all it’s rules, came into Singapore and somehow became legally ours so beautifully and easily without a hitch and is now in our family to stay and Canada is finding all kinds of issues but will likely grant her a humanitarian pass into Canada so she can be with her family.  The parliament in Ottawa is having meetings held each day to work out our situation.  They are most concerned that Malaysia doesn’t even know their child is gone and once their government knows…would they be accepting of this situation and how it was worked out in Singapore?  Canada has no issues as to how Singapore legalized the adoption.  Our officer told us that it probably isn’t necessary for them to contact Tienne’s biological mother now which was such a relief to hear.  She informed us that our situation is very unique and are working daily on it.  She also informed us that they will be updating all websites on the governments end to clarify for other families who may come into a situation like ours and will also be providing councelling at the Embassy for any other couples who will want to adopt herein.  Somehow we skipped through, somehow…we don’t even know and it surely wasn’t our intention.  We were, infact, very cautious in proceeding so as to do everything legal.  There would be nothing worse in a foreign country than to be in trouble with the law. 

I can’t help but think that there is someone else…someone WAY bigger behind all this…possibly God Himself. I can just picture Him saying…”You are going to have this girl in your family! And I will work it out for you. Just wait and be patient.”  I just can’t help but think that God has a great plan for Tienne…not sure what…but this is just too perfect!

So…the Canadian Government are changing some laws now because of our case (sorry to anyone who may want to adopt internationally in the future).  We are making history here actually.  It may take a while yet to get citizenship for her but we have been assured that the government recognizes the uncomfortable situation that we are in and really are trying to come through for us here.  Please continue to pray that we can return to Canada soon as Dylan really wants to begin his school career in Vernon and his workshop is Oct. 20-21.  If he can’t attend that workshop then he won’t be able to attend school in February.  That will set us back another year.

Thank-you everyone for your continued support and prayers.  We are so grateful for them 🙂

Love Dylan, Candis and Tienne

Gonna make a Pie

Well, actually I had it all planned out this Thanksgiving. I had searched and explored pinterest for some great recipes and I was gonna make a pie! I was excited about getting back into the festive season and doing some holiday crafts and lots of baking!! So…in lieu of (Carmen did I use this correctly?? lol) making a pie for thanksgiving…how about a song for you all! This is from me to all of you this holiday! ENjoy:)

Thanksgiving Praises!

This giggly girl hopes to find you well this thanksgiving day as you all celebrate! We regret that we can’t be there but we are well and absolutely thankful for many things! For one…we have been given a place to stay that is cozy and humble. Kinda feels like we are camping as the bathroom is disattached so we go outside to use it! Also we are kind of in the jungle area so we’ve been warned that they are quite a few snakes and lizards and monkeys around here. There was a python located a few doors down a couple months ago!!! So…I check very carefully when I have to use the toilet in the middle of the night!!

We are also very thankful for our friends over here who have been so gracious and supportive to us! They have offered us places to stay, work, money and an ear when we need to talk. That has been fantastic.

We are thankful for our families back home who support us 100% and have also asked us if they can do anything as they don’t mind getting their hands dirty (thanks aunt Gail!!). And others who have been praying without ceasing (thanks Wiebe family and Drake and Carm and Mom and Dad). And some who have also wondered if we can last financially while being here! And yes…we are ok…for a little while. Much appreciate all your support in so many ways! It makes us feel much closer to all of you way across the world.

And we are very thankful that we are healthy and happy and done work!! YAY!! We have had time this week to just be together and enjoy life without all it’s pressures and timelines and bosses! Just time to reflect and breath and take all this in and just wait…just stay still and rest in knowing that this will all work out. And of course..we are together…Dylan, Tienne and I…our little family. The family who is housing us (A Canadian guy and a Finish lady and their two sons) have accepted us as family too and we eat together every day! They even supply a bit of wine when the days seem a bit stressful 😉 We did not expect this hospitatlity at all!

So…today as you give thanks…please don’t feel bad or sorry that we couldn’t be with you…and don’t take pity on us…this is a time of growth, of regeneration for us…to see many good things that we haven’t seen in a long time. We are happy and healthy. Please give thanks for us…for all the things I mentioned above!

Happy Thanksgiving and may you enjoy each other!

Much love,
Dylan, Candis and Tienne


Do we have a walker?? Tienne at 9 1/2 months!

Train Songs

Just a little of what I’ve been going through lately. – Dylan


I was alone, and my train was late that night. I saw a crumpled man blinded by the life that he treated himself to. Crippled from the nights receiving endless beatings that even a house couldn’t endure. Palms raised skyward, his meager belongings collected on the floor singing songs to no one about nothing, but crying because they mean so much. It’s these babblings that keep his life going, keep the nickels flowing deep into his cup. There we both were framed in awkward silence, and I was in his living room invading his trust. He finally said to me that he had one last cigarette to smoke and it was time to give it up. But he laughed and added said he wasn’t sure which to give up his life or the habit. He said it’s my habits that made my fingers weak, when my chances came I couldn’t grab it. But it’s my life that makes it hard and when my opportunities were there for free I chose my habits. I half smiled and offered the most empathetic nod that I could conjure up, and said I hear you brother I’ve got problems too, but words won’t fill your cup. I’ve got responsibilities to face and they’re woven tight to my dreams. I’ve got more bills to pay than I have time and I’m starting to rip at the seems. I’ve got a plan and I know that if I stick to it I can accomplish happiness. I’ve got goals that beat my will and lately it’s been hard to accept the challenge.

And he said, hey man sounds like that’s G-d talking to you, and I don’t know why you can’t see. You’re so blind that you can’t spare to make change because all your focus is on “ME”. All wrapped up in your own skin that you can’t help set an old man free. I’ve been in your shoes before it feels like it was yesterday if not at all.; my existence has been a blink and for the life of me I can’t remember what I saw.

That made so much sense to me, even though I convinced myself that he was totally insane I bent over and lit his cigarette and told him to mind his own business because I was just waiting for my train. And he said, I’ve been waiting here forever just dying in my skin, and the only reason your living life is because your curious what’ll happen in the end. That might be true but why should I pay my hard earned attention to vagabond doctrine. If you’ve got so much knowledge to give why not treat yourself to what you’re offering. You probably have lived a hard life, and I apologize, but I have my own problems, that you couldn’t understand just like a lot of guys. Now, here’s a couple bucks go buy yourself whatever makes you happy even though I’ve promised myself to not to pay for you to make my city look trashy. He refused the money and sat there singing songs of love and hat I crammed the change in my pocket, called him a lunatic and went on with my wait. As I stood there hovering near his tiny frame I could feel his eyes judging me sadly. It’s as if he had to convince me that my life was on the wrong track, and I needed it badly, and I said hey old man your cigarettes all smoked up it’s time for you to leave. He looked at the trail of ash on his shirt and smiled as if it gave him some sort of relief. He propped himself up, collected his life and got prepared to become one with the night. Before he left he turned around and wished me luck with all my plans, and said something about learning to walk before I ran. Before I knew it he was out of my sight, and I had already forgotten his reasonings I could hear my train coming and home was on my mind not his cryptic meanings. And then another traveler was on the platform and for some reason he was running towards me all I could see was his eyes, but it’s his words that will always stick with me. Through his heavy breaths he asked if I had just spent time with the old man I nodded in affirmation and tried to calm him, so he could tell me why he ran.

And he said, hey man, that was God talking to you, how could you not see? That was God talking right to your face trying to hand you the keys. He was right here and I can’t understand why you chose to make him leave. He just died in my arms right outside the station and said you were his only friend. He begged me to tell you about his life, make you see the light, give you your chance again.

I cringed at the reality that was facing me I told the man I had no time for this and on my way I had to be. Right about that time my train pulled up and I made my escape I sat in the empty plastic seat, and held tight to my fate. That was decades ago, and now I sit singing on my own platform my belongings stowed tightly in my bags handing out my sad sad songs. And I say it’s my habits that make my fingers weak when my chances come I can’t grab them, but it’s my life that makes it hard and when my opportunities are there for free I choose my habits. I have no responsibilities and as a result I no longer need my dreams. I don’t have any bills to pay it’s like I’m free but I’m really in captivity. I don’t have any plans except to just sit here and try and weather the storm. I wish I had goals but if I had those then I wouldn’t be here warning you on my platform singing train songs.

What would you like to hear?


Once again I sit here apologizing on slacking with the blogging.  Last post was having Tienne being officially a Wiebe.  Now we are patiently (NOT!) waiting on her Canadian citizenship to come our way.

However, as much as I just write at times, maybe you all have questions about other things?  We talk alot about Tienne (obviously) but maybe you have wondered about Singapore? Or our future? Or just a random question?

So, to help me continue to write on here, I’m asking that you post a few questions for Candis and I. This will help keep the juices flowing.  Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying the warm Canadian summer.  We won’t be giving you any sympathy though..hahaha..Enjoy the summer holidays!

Take care everyone.

I would like to officially introduce Tienne Mei Ling Wiebe!

This was supposed to be submitted weeks ago as we had written it but forgot to post it on the blog, so nevertheless: Tienne is now a Wiebe! Now maybe the first asian (Malaysian) mennonite mind you, but nevertheless, Tienne is our daughter! It feels so good to say. We received our final adoption order on April 18th if I can remember correctly. The actual adoption was finalized in court on April 13th, 2012!! Our agent Alice called us at work and informed us that everything was finalized and she was coming over the next day to deliver the last documents.
I brought Candis into the room as she was downstairs and we shared a quick moment together of joy. It almost seemed surreal. It seemed too easy almost. I was waiting for that emotion of tears and happiness to flood us both and you know what, it was just pure happiness and peace. Could we of imagined last February 14th, 2011 that our decision to adopt would come to fruition? We never once felt that this was a bad idea or that we weren’t directed to do this.
One neat thing that Alice said to us before she left was this(with a little added thoughts by me): “Dylan and Candis, Tienne chose you! She knew you wanted to adopt and she came to your front door and asked, Please can you be my mommy and daddy?”. ” You wanted to adopt a baby in January 2012 but Tienne had other ideas. She knew you two were going to be her forever mommy and daddy and she didn’t want someone else. She wanted you two!”.
I never thought of that before. Tienne did choose us. We had thought that when we had said that we wanted to adopt Tea that we were the ones who made the decisions but it was TEA! Her strong and tender spirit moved through our house. She broke us right then and there. Ever since she came to our house, its been so natural for Tea to be part of our fam. She just fits and I pray that this will continue to be the case as she grows. PEACE. PURENESS. PURE PEACE. That’s how I feel. How is it that God can be so abundant in love and move over us with his peace?? It’s not for me to answer so I’ll just rest in the peace.
As for Tea, she continues to wow us in so many ways. Today she started eating whole foods. “Organic Brown Rice Cereal”. She was a champ. She knew exactly what to do when we put the first spoon to her mouth. Open, chew, swallow, open again for more. She ate so well that I was wondering if she had been doing it for months already.
She is now crawling. Not too fast yet. She shuffles a few crawls forward and then plunks herself back on her belly. She is still feeling that out. I imagine she’ll be cruising the house very soon. Which brings us to looking into fencing her in and also buying those alphabet mats too. Sounds like child torture almost! Locking a child in so they can’t get out. HAHA.
We can’t seem to get enough of her and she always has a smile on her face. Every time she wakes up is the best time for me cause I get to see her smile. She has brought both Candis and I so much joy. I’m not sure what uphill battles we will face in the future but we will take those one day at a time.
Thanks to everyone again for all your prayers and encouragement over the last year with this decision. We would love to have you meet Tea when we arrive back in Canada. The tentative return date is the first week of October 2012. Until then, never be afraid to listen to your heart and live outside the norm of what others may deem is necessary for your life. Love life and love each other. WE love all of you!
Dylan, Candis and Tienne WIEBE!!!!

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4 months old…

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Tienne is now 4 months old and rolling from her back to her front in seconds! Not quite the other way around yet. She loves to touch and feel everything with her delicate fingers and is getting very good at putting things in her mouth. She has now caught on to smiling constantly, laughing, talking (gagaga…dadadda didid do, gagga) and now has learned last week to use her voice in a high pitch…kind of like a cat..(not my favourite animal) but it’s just so cute when she does it. She knows when we are joking with her and is getting quite cheeky in her actions too! When daddy comes around she screetches and when he gets close to her she quickly turns her head away and plays this “I’m ignorning you” game. She likes to sit in her bumbo and play with toys and we just bought her a bouncer!! She hasn’t quite understood what to do in it yet but she’s only had it a couple of days. She loves to swim in the pool and is learning to kick! In the bathtub…it’s all toes…she is consumed with her toes lol! When she sees herself in the mirror, she smiles at herself and stares for a long time. Then she gets all excited with her arms flailing! She also loves when you lay beside her…she will talk your ear off! DYlan and I are having so much fun with her. I think she is getting into her teething phase now as she is a slobber gobber! We have likened her to the name TEA now and are showing her some sign language. I’m hoping in the next 2 months she will observe it and then when she gets better control of her hands she will be able to communicate a bit with us! Tienne is also a huge social bug and will smile at anyone who talks to her. She gets a lot of attention when we are out, but she’s as quiet as a mouse when people are around b/c she is taking it all in! Tomorrow is the 3rd dreaded vaccination and then another one when she’s 6 mos.

Some exciting news… we received a letter in the mail stating that the investigation of the adoption of Tienne was completed and that we don’t need to attend court as an official date where we become her legal parents. We are a little disappointed about not having to attend court as we see it as a memorable day, a celebration but rather we will receive another letter in the mail when it is complete. It all seems just too easy, but we won’t complain!

So..we wait and will let you all know the minute it’s all finished!! A party is in store to celebrate once we hear! In the meantime, enjoy your fresh spring air and please keep in touch with us! We always love hearing about you!

Have a blessed day,

Dylan, Candis and Tienne

A Special Day for Tienne

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On Wed we took Tienne to TOUCH Adoption Services, a trip down memory lane for Dylan and I. This is where we began our journey of adoption and attended a few workshops and also came for an extremely long interview for approval for our Home Study Report. These ladies have been with us from beginning to end and without them we would have the priviledge of meeting and knowing Tienne. She did the usual and smiled at everyone and won them all over. Then she gave us a big “stinker” at which ended up on the front of my white shirt! All the ladies helped Dylan and I clean up the big mess and we all had a good laugh. They gave Tienne a children’s book called “A Mother for Choco” by Keiko Kasza which is about a little bird who is all alone and goes to find his mother. He meets various animals and finds something in common with each one and asks if they are his mother. At the end of searching he cries out “I need a mommy!!” and Mrs. Bear hears him and comes over. She tried to cheer him up by doing all kinds of things with him and then they both seem to like each other so she asks if she could be his mother. They both find it kind of amusing that they don’t resemble each other in the least bit but in the end they are both happy with the arrangement. I’m very glad that there are books out there that discuss different “adoption” situations to help a child relate. Dylan and I have quite a few books already to read to Tienne when she is older as we want to be open with her about it and want her to feel comfortable talking about it when she struggles through it. We won’t always have the answers for her but being open about it is about the best thing we can do for her!

Last night we met with another couple who have finished their Home Study and are curious as to how our experience went and what agent we went through etc. The guy is British and his wife is Singaporean. It’s neat b/c she is Peranakan and that’s what Tienne is! She was able to give us some information into the culture and such and even told us that S’pore has a Peranakan Museum. I think we will be taking Tienne! So we felt glad that we could tell them the process we had been through as it can be quite confusing knowing what to do first and so on. Dylan and I got quite the run around from our Embassy to the Agency to the S’pore gov’t and back and forth. Part of the problem was our Ebassy didn’t know what to do for us and they kept referring us to the Canadian Gov’t website but actually once we told them exactly what we needed we didn’t have a problem getting it. In fact Canada didn’t seem to mind at all what Country we had chosen to adopt from. So, in times like these, you need someone who has been there to help direct you in the right path. We were glad we could do that for them!

On a side note our nanny, Linda is doing a great job and we really like her. She has to return to the Philippines at the end of the month so her daughter will be replacing her while she is away. We hope she will stay much longer than the other two!

Tienne has reached a milestone and began rolling at 15 weeks!!! She never sits still anymore and loves sitting and standing (not by herself yet but is getting very good at sitting). She absolutely LOVES the pool and had a few friends over last week for a little pool party! She’s always as quiet as a mouse in there. She smiles at everyone constantly and is a very easy baby! She also talks like crazy and I’ve heard “daddy and da and dadda” quite a few times and has become regular in her everyday language.

So we hope this finds you well and always love hearing from your end! Keep in touch with us and it’s only 6 1/2 more months until we arrive back on Canadian soil! We are very excited. In the meantime I will make sure to post photos and updates! Have a blessed day 🙂